Front End Developer

Hi, Ibrahim{Ak} here. I build Web presences from the ground up - from concept, navigation, Responsive layout and programming.

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Cascading Style Sheets(CSS)

Javascript(ES5 & ES6)



Hypertext Markup Language(HTML5)






Sassy CSS

Version Control

GIT & GitHub & GitPages




Image of the website called web style guide

This is a full-stack fully responsive and Scalable SPA that I built with React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, MapBox with the react-map-gl as a wrapper for the map. For continuous deployment I pushed the app to GitHub and hosted it to Vercel.

Image of the website called web style guide

This is a full-stack and scalable project hosted on Firebase hosting with Firebase Authentication and leveraging Firestore Database. This e-commerce build has full online-payment with Stripe

Image of the website called web style guide
Course Directory

I used React and the React Router Dom module to create this course directory app, which I want to develop into an app to help share road maps and course material to people looking to get into programming.

Image of the website called web style guide
Photo Search

This React App uses Axios to make requests to the Flicker Api for photos searched.
It also laverages React Router to move between routes as different button suggestions are clicked.

Image of the website called web style guide

This is a client's project that is intended for an upcoming exhibiton in London. I used Wordpress to develop this site and the client was happy for me to add it here on my portfolio.

Image of the website called webdashboard
Web Dashboard

This is a fully responsive Data Visualisation Dashboard using Chart.js that takes an idea from a social media dashboard, displaying Traffic to your page on an hourly daily weekly and monthly basis.

Image of the website called web style guide
Web Style Guide

On this project I used SASS and HTML to create a custom Bootstrap that I can drop into any of my projects to help speed up styling, layout and development in general

Image of the website called phrase hunter
Phrase Hunter

In this project, I created a browser version of “Wheel of Success”, a word guessing game. I used Vanilla Javascript and Object Oriented Programming to come up with a random phrase that players try to guess by entering different letters into the program.

Image of the website called Employee-Directory
Employee Directory

This project uses the Async and Await method together with Fetch to get Random User data from an API. The API call returns images, emails, dates of birth, and locations of 96u sers. When a user card is clicked an Overlay is triggered by Javascript to display more information about the user

Image of the website called Full stark conference
Full Stack Conference

I used Bootstrap and Html to create this conference page that displays information of speakers, technologies and time-table of the days events. I used mobile first responsive layout with Bootstraps grid system

Image of the website called online registration form
Online Registration Form

In this project, I used JavaScript, HTML and CSS to enhance an interactive registration form for a fictional Full Stack conference. The form is fully customized with conditional behavior and interactivity Validating user with Regular Expressions input and providing helpful error messages when the user enters invalid information into the form fields.